2025 Events and Evening Meetings

Tuesday, 7th Jan

Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 15th Jan

Annual General Meeting
After the AGM, Jon will be providing a talk on Binoculars and Telescopes.

Wednesday, 19th Feb

The hall will be closed for maintenance this week.

Wednesday, 19th March

Model Builder's Workshop
This is where we all bring along our partially completed model engineering projects, and you get to show everyone what you have been working on.
Bringing photos is fine if your project is incovenient to transport. (A digital projector will be provided for displaying digital photos)
You are encouraged to talk to people about their projects, and to seek advice on how to solve the tricky manufacturing challenges on your own project.

Wednesday, 16th April

The good ship Sobraon
Alan Clarke, (i.e. He of our Industrial Archaeologist friends) is going to come and talk about the good ship Sobraon,
which had a particularly interesting history, and carried importantly eclectic technologies that led the way forward in the development
of the ships built towards the end of the 19th century.

Days TBD, April

FordingBridge and WoodGreen
Visits to the FordingBridge and WoodGreen Shows

Wednesday, 21th May

Electronics for Model Makers
Nicholas Lee will be providing an informative talk on how to add hobby-electronics to your models, to enhance the realism of how they look, sound, and move.
For example, if your railway layout had a level crossing, then it would be enhanced by electronics that detected the approaching train, sounded the warning siren,
flashed the warning lights in the correct patterns to stop the traffic, and closed the gates automatically.
If you have a train layout with roads, then adding working signalling lights for the trains, and traffic lights for the road traffic, would enhance the realism and fun.
Nicholas will be providing demonstrations, explaining how they work, and revealing how you can bring your own models to life.

Day TBD, May

Visit to the Durrington Show

Wednesday 18th, June

Topic TBD
Speaker To Be Confirmed

Day TBD, June

Group Outing
Location To Be Confirmed

Wednesday, 16th July

Topic TBD
Speaker To Be Confirmed

Wednesday, 20th August

Topic TBD
Speaker To Be Confirmed

Wednesday, 17th Sept

Model Builder's Workshop
This is where we all bring along our partially completed model engineering projects, and you get to show everyone what you have been working on.
Bringing photos is fine if your project is incovenient to transport. (A digital projector will be provided for displaying digital photos)
You are encouraged to talk to people about their projects, and to seek advice on how to solve the tricky manufacturing challenges on your own project.

Wednesday, 15th Oct

Investment Casting for Model Makers
Mark Wilson (of Salisbury Investment Castings Ltd) will be describing how the investment casting process works, what metals they can use,
what accuracies are commonly achieved, and what our model engineers need to provide in order to get their parts made
(e.g. providing 3D CAD files, or providing a wooden or 3D printed models of the parts to be cast), along with providing us with a few illustrated costing examples.

Wednesday, 19th Nov

Topic TBD
Speaker To Be Confirmed

Wednesday, 17th, Dec

Christmas Meal
Our traditional seasonal get together, with food and drink provided